• Athletics
  • Course Collection
  • Higher Ed
  • K-12

Youth Athletics Course Collection

Part of Canopy Programs®

soccer teammates celebrating

About This Collection

School sports provide an enriching experience to complement students’ academic learning. The large number of students participating in athletic programs calls for growing attention to player safety. This course collection will help students, parents, and coaches recognize and respond to common hazards in sports programs including concussions and heat illness.​
  • Implemented by 63 institutions
  • Completed by 7,331 learners
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Concussion Recognition & Response

Learn how to recognize and respond to signs of a concussion. This course also unpacks why some athletes hesitate to report symptoms of a concussion and what health risks are involved with failing to report a concussion.​


Faculty & Staff, Students

Course Length

20 minutes



This course will help learners recognize the:

  • Seriousness of concussion injuries
  • Signs and symptoms of concussions
  • Importance of reporting signs and symptoms

Heat Illness Prevention

Learn how to prepare for, recognize, and respond to signs of heat illness.


Faculty & Staff, Students

Course Length

20 minutes



This course will help learners:

  • Recognize early signs of heat-related illness and know the proper course of action
  • Recognize more serious signs of heat-related illness and know the proper course of action
  • Develop and maintain an emergency action plan related to heat-related illness emergencies

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