• Sexual Assault and Misconduct
  • Course Collection
  • Higher Ed

Protecting Children Course Collection for Higher Ed

Part of Canopy Programs®

student and visitor walking across campus

About This Course Collection

Educators have a responsibility to protect the well-being of minors. This course collection will help educators and adults learn how to recognize, prevent, and report sexual misconduct. It includes courses for educators and a short video for employees or volunteers that don’t work directly with children.
  • Implemented by 316 institutions *
  • Completed by 254,964 learners*
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Boundary Training for Educators


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

30 minutes


English, Spanish

This course was designed for educators who work with minors. After consulting with industry experts, the course aims to help educators:

  • Identify what boundaries are
  • Differentiate between different types of boundaries
  • Recognize how boundaries differ from rules
  • Understand how a boundary crossing is different than a boundary violation
  • Stay vigilant when they sense their actions or a student's actions are approaching a boundary
  • Recognize the consequences for themselves and their students when boundaries are crossed

The course uses scenarios and interactive exercises to illustrate how easily educators can find themselves in a situation where boundaries are being approached and how they can safely navigate away from boundaries.

Identifying and Reporting Sexual Misconduct

This course examines concrete ways to recognize, prevent, and report situations of sexual misconduct by educators. The learner will test their own decision-making skills through scenarios based on actual cases of abuse.​​

This course contains content that may be upsetting to learners.


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

45 minutes


English, Spanish

This course will help learners:

  • Recognize warning signs manifested by abused children
  • Describe specific characteristics of predators
  • Identify danger areas where abuse can take place
  • List rules of conduct for working with children
  • Apply proper boundaries in educator/student relationships
  • Detail specific steps to report abuse situations

Hiring Staff Who Work With Minors

How can we keep the children in our care safe? This course is designed for hiring managers in higher education who employ staff that will work with minors.

This course contains content that may be upsetting to learners.



Course Length

30 minutes



This course will help learners with:

  • Screening applicants
  • Conducting background checks
  • Conducting interviews
  • Performing reference checks
  • Spotting common red flags

Shine a Light Video

This short video covers the warning signs of sexual abuse by adults. It also reviews specific locations to keep an eye on and concrete steps for reporting incidents or suspicions.

This video contains content that may be upsetting to learners.


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

10 minutes


English, Spanish

Shine a Light

This video will help learners:

  • Recognize the warning signs of abuse in situations involving children and teens
  • Detect “red flag” behaviors manifested by victims and perpetrators
  • Distinguish the locations where abuse is more likely to take place
  • Determine when and where to report abuse situations

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*Aggregated across K-12 schools and higher ed institutions.

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