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  • K-12

Stand Up Against Bullying: Recognize and Respond

Part of Canopy Programs®

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Why Use This Course

Recent studies show that 20% of 12- to 18-year-old students report being bullied. About one-fifth of those students say they were bullied electronically.

This course examines the impact of bullying at K-12 schools. Faculty and staff learn how to recognize bullying and cyberbullying as well as how to best respond when incidents occur.

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Stand Up Against Bullying: Recognize and Respond


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

40 minutes



Stand Up Against Bullying: Recognize and Respond

This course will help learners:

  • Describe the characteristics of bullying behavior.
  • Determine their role in responding to incidents of bullying.
  • Practice approaches for responding to incidents of bullying.
  • Identify ways to prioritize bullying prevention in their school.

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