• Health and Well-Being
  • Course
  • Higher Ed

Recognize and Prevent Hazing

Part of Canopy Programs®

depressed, anxious male student

About This Course

Your campus provides a vibrant mix of learning, social, and athletic activities. Hazing upends those positive experiences for students and may put their personal safety at risk. This course helps students understand how to recognize and respond to incidents of hazing, and how to find your institution’s hazing policies. Help ensure a safer campus experience for students by teaching the risks of hazing.
  • Implemented by 27 institutions
  • Completed by 18,643 learners
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Recognize and Prevent Hazing

Learn how to recognize and respond to incidents of hazing.



Course Length

20 minutes



This course will help learners:

  • Describe the harm hazing can cause
  • Recall justifications for hazing and why they’re not valid
  • Determine if an activity is hazing
  • Find your institution’s policies regarding hazing
  • Practice how to respond when your institution becomes aware of hazing

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