Higher Education Members Identify Top Risks: Risk Management Premium Credit Survey Results 2020-2021
Why Read This
Each year, United Educators (UE) asks its members about their top risks. This comparison of self-reported top risks has been created from 499 higher education member institutions from 2020-2021.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the risk landscape for higher education member institutions. Enrollment is still the top risk, but many of the other top 10 risks have shifted in the last year.
This year's report also breaks down the top 10 risks for:
- Community colleges
- Research universities
- Public institutions
- Private institutions
Key Takeaways
- Top risks include enrollment, data security, COVID-and and future pandemics, operational pressures, and funding.
- Among the mitigation efforts for enrollment issues: Evaluate and expand program offerings; change discounting and pricing strategies; and expand online and remote programs.
- Among the mitigation efforts for data security issues: Train faculty on videoconference software security; hire more data security staff; and conduct data security training.