• Study Abroad
  • Course
  • Higher Ed

Study Away Programs

Part of Canopy Programs®

About This Course

Short-term study away programs lasting a few weeks or less require the same vetting, preparation, and planning associated with more traditional semester-long study away programs. Use this course to prepare students and staff for safe and rewarding educational experiences around the world.
  • Implemented by 270 institutions
  • Completed by 2,071 learners
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Study Away: International

Learn steps for the vetting, preparing, and planning associated with study away programs.


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

60 minutes



This course will help learners:

  • Develop policies for program review and approval
  • Prepare and orient trip leaders and students prior to departure
  • Manage the trip by monitoring participant activities, enforcing policies, and responding to emergency situations
  • Evaluate the program to identify lessons learned and improve future trips

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