• The Workplace
  • Course
  • Higher Ed
  • K-12

Avoiding Supervisory Pitfalls

Part of Canopy Programs®

meeting between supervisor and employee

About This Course

Equip new and experienced supervisors with useful knowledge to promote good supervisory practices.
  • Implemented by 125 institutions
  • Completed by 5,610 learners
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Avoiding Supervisory Pitfalls

This course helps supervisors avoid unfair treatment of their direct reports, identify actions that can lead to allegations of unfair treatment, and recognize scenarios that might be construed as discriminatory.


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

45 minutes



This course will help learners understand:

  • Protected Classes
  • Supervisory Behaviors
    • Working with underperforming employees
    • Creating a fair and equal environment for all employees
  • Supervisory Responsibilities
    • Hiring
    • Accommodations
    • Retaliation
    • Firing
  • Supervisory Scenarios

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