Background Check Fundamentals
Why Read This
Many institutions are increasing background checks on campus due to recent high-profile events involving campus sexual misconduct and workplace violence. Conducting background checks is a key risk mitigation strategy because it:
- Protects community members and institutional resources
- Improves the quality of hires
- Reduces organizational risk
Human resource administrators can use this publication to assess the soundness of their background check screening sources, practices, and policy. Careful background screening can help your institution make informed decisions about employees, contractors, volunteers, and other people affiliated with your institution, without running afoul of the law.
Key Takeaways
- A recent report showed that about 71% of organizations reported that background checks uncovered issues they wouldn't have known about otherwise.
- Conducting background checks of candidates and employees is crucial when it comes to mitigating risk.
- Conducting background checks can protect your community and your institution’s finances, property, data, and other assets.