Large Loss Report 2024

Why Read This
The Large Loss Report 2024 summarizes 71 publicly reported major damage awards and settlements of at least $1 million that affected K-12 schools, colleges, and universities in 2023.
These summaries are drawn solely from published accounts. Most public K-12 schools and public colleges and universities are subject to sunshine laws and, therefore, their settlements routinely appear in the public domain. However private or independent schools don’t typically have the same public reporting requirements and, as a result, their unreported claims don’t appear in this report. Most losses in this report don’t involve United Educators (UE) members.
The report highlights the effects of social inflation on educational institutions. From 2017 to 2022, the average cost doubled for UE primary general liability (CGL) and educators legal liability (ELL) claims. Defense costs are contributing significantly to increasing claims costs along with larger awards and settlements.
About UE
UE provides liability insurance and risk management services to about 1,600 members representing K-12 schools, colleges, and universities throughout the United States.
As a member-owned captive focusing solely on education, we work in partnership with our members to help navigate distinct risks and opportunities that surround every school or campus today. We monitor the market and education environment and will do what we can to stand by our members, as we always have, when things get tough.
What We Offer
- Educators Legal Liability (ELL) Limits up to $30 million, subject to underwriting review
- General Liability (GL) Limits up to $30 million available under excess policy, subject to underwriting review
- Internships and Professional Liability (IPL)
- Public School Liability (PSL) Includes GL and Automobile Liability, Limits up to $10 million
- School Board Liability (SBL) Limits up to $10 million
To learn more about our coverage for educational institutions, fill out the form below or contact your insurance broker.
This content provides a limited summary of UE's insurance products and services. For a complete understanding of the coverage available, including important exclusions and conditions, you should review UE’s insurance policy forms and endorsements, which solely govern the scope of coverage. UE’s products and coverages may not be available in all states or to all educational institutions. Copyright © 2024 by United Educators Insurance, a Reciprocal Risk Retention Group. All rights reserved.
Key Takeaways
- The report summarizes 71 publicly reported major damage awards and settlements of at least $1 million.
- These claims reflect the challenges institutions face, including social inflation and difficult litigation environments that vary geographically.
Get the Report
Fill out the form to download UE's Large Loss Report 2024.